Today is not my worst day, but it's not great, either. It's pretty close to Alexander's, though (read it if you haven't). I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, cranky and tired. Tired because I went to bed late, and cranky because I'm tired. And it might be closing in on that time of the month. (I always refused to believe that this body cycle thing could actually affect someone's mood, but as I get older I am finding truth in it.)
Examples of how my day is off-kilter? Let's see....I spilled my tea on me while getting into my car; my purse fell off my arm this morning on my way into work and the ground was wet with snow; my lesson was rubbish; I dropped my drink in the hallway on the way back to my room - TWICE!; people are behaving strangely, thus making things awkward; the sound of my clock is getting on my nerves every time it changes minutes; people are asking me ridiculous questions; it's cold out. I would like nothing more than to put my jammies on and climb into my bed with a freshly heated heat bag. But it's only lunch time and that would be impossible. I have an appointment after school and class tonight. My only hope is that I will be able to fall asleep quickly tonight to release this grumpy feeling.
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