I cannot believe that the date is approaching so quickly! It seems like I've been blogging about it for ages. This past week I've had the chance to think more about the whole idea of turning thirty. At first I started the blog because I thought all the hype about turning thirty was just that, hype. But my thoughts may be changing. Turning thirty means the end of my twenties. For the next ten years I can be only thirty-something, no longer a twenty-something. But is that really so terrible? I frequently hear on television shows and movies that forty is the new thirty. Wouldn't that mean thirty is the new twenty?
So here's the bottom line: I'm turning thirty in five days and can't do a thing to change it. I could borrow my mother's idea and start counting my age backwards, which would mean I'd either stay 29 or return to 28. A tempting idea, but I'm not interested in denial.
They way I see it I have two choices. I can mope about and fall victim to society's irrational obsession that turning thirty means the end of my youth, or I can embrace my upcoming 30th birthday and see it as a blessing. Intuition tells me the latter would be the better choice.
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