I had writer's block the other night, so I did the only thing I could think of and turned on the television. After scanning all 200 channels I settled on the movie The Breakup with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. I caught it right at the point where Vince is making fun of Jennifer's brother that sings in an a Capella group. There are so many jokes about how a Capella group members are weird and nerdy and maybe even gay, and maybe some are, but I went to Binghamton University where the a Capella groups are amazing (and very manly)!
I muted the television and did a quick YouTube search for two of my favorite BU groups: The Crosbys and The Pegs. I perused the song titles, clicked on the ones I remembered, and slipped back into the Binghamton days when my friends and I would clear our schedules to hear the a Capella groups at the Dollar Show. (The lecture hall building at Binghamton contains fourteen lecture halls. Students pile into several of the lecture halls and the university's a Capella groups rotate through each one). It was magic. I graduated from Binghamton eight years ago (eek!), but I'll never forget the talent showcased in those two groups in particular.
So, let's forget these television shows claiming they are looking for the next best singer or vocal group. Go to Binghamton (and other colleges and universities) and watch the talent unfold before you. There is REAL talent there. It isn't forced and it isn't fake. These people know how to entertain and they have fun doing it. They're also smart and can carry their own tune even when the people around them are singing a different one. They make their own sounds and music. If you've never experienced a real a Capella performance, click on the links below and witness the beauty of real talent. You can't pass up the opportunity.
Long live Binghamton a Capella! And long live real talent.
http://www.thepegs.net/ (click on videos to see actual performances)
wow. those were great!! I couldn't get the first link to work, but the rest were amazing!! true talent at it's finest!! i really love stuff like that, and watching real people with real talent is always refreshing. i love a Capella groups, I always wanted to sing like that... or sing at all I should say... I can't carry a tune for anything... i am completely tone deaf! lol but still really really enjoy watching groups like this!! thank you for sharing!!