Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Practice makes perfect, right? All of my life I have striven for perfection. I've tried to be the perfect daughter, (the perfect sister is out - I was horrible!), the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect wife, the perfect employee, and the list goes on and on and on.

Well, trying to be perfect is a lot of work, and with it comes a tremendous amount of stress. This year, as I live through the last year of my twenties, I am realizing that perfect isn't so great. Every house project that we've started I've wanted to turn out perfect. When searching for a new car I wanted to find the perfect one. When dressing I have to have the perfect outfit, complete with accessories, shoes, and hairstyle. We've lived in our house for almost three years now, and I have yet to purchase curtains/window treatments because I haven't found the perfect ones. We haven't painted the rooms because I haven't decided on the perfect color. Our kitchen isn't finished yet because I can't make decisions. I procrastinate so that I can buy myself time to make the right, or perfect, choice. Aaaaahhhhh!

But this year I am learning to let go of the need to be perfect. There's no such thing as perfect, or at least it's what I keep telling myself so if you disagree don't share it with me or you'll ruin my mantra! I no longer want this weighted baggage that follows me around every day. I'm tired of being stressed out and irritated over simple things. I'm trying to adopt the mentality that life isn't about "things" anyway, it's about people and relationships. That's what I'm going to focus on. If the cabinet door has a spot on it where the polyurethane dripped or a piece of hair from the paintbrush attached itself, it is not the end of the world. Life goes on, and so will I. Things that seem perfect on the outside rarely are.

I'm taking a deep breath....and letting it all go...

1 comment:

  1. Very good is much more fun and much less stress. and probably more honest.
