I woke up to reminders that today is the ninth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. My Facebook page had many posts from friends stating they would never forget that day. I could never forget that day. On the morning of September 11th, 2001 I was driving to campus (SUNY Binghamton) from my Riverside Drive apartment when a news report broke through my music channel to say that a small plane had possibly hit the World Trade Center. About ten minutes later I walked into the library and saw my then-boyfriend and now husband, and he told me that a second plane had hit. We walked to the union and watched the events unfold. The towers came down and people around us started crying, some dropped to their knees, and others jumped on cell phones to connect with loved ones that might have been in harm's way. Classes were canceled for the day. The whole thing seemed so surreal, and many people were sure that we were in the beginning stages of World War 3. That day will forever remain a vivid memory for me.

So today I decided that in memory of the events of September 11th, I would do American things. I started off my day at the farmer's market, making sure to be extra friendly to my vendors. I wanted to spread cheer and positive energy today. After that I did some mundane chores around the house, like hanging the laundry to dry outside. I love that we have the freedom to do that, unless you live in a neighborhood that doesn't permit that sort of thing. In the early afternoon I met my mother-in-law for some apple picking and apple fritters! What says America more than apple pie? (I can't make that, so I hope apple crisp can suffice?) What a beautiful day for some down home American living!

God bless the USA! And bring tolerance, understanding, and peace to our world :)
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