Today I spent some time outdoors reading and relaxing on a blanket under the warm sun and next to a babbling brook. This is what I read: Happiness is not a feeling, it's a decision. I thought about that for awhile today and I decided that it does indeed make sense. Every day we are presented with a choice to be happy or unhappy.

I think it's definitely easier to choose to be unhappy, especially if we aren't feeling well or if we're worried about something or if things just aren't right in our lives. But if we choose to be happy, that's the tougher decision because we then have to make a concerted effort to think positively, react positively, and behave positively. That takes so much more effort than choosing to be unhappy, but it would make us feel better in the long run. Our mood improves, our appearance improves, our relationships improve, our productivity and morale improves, our overall health improves. So I'm going to give it a go. Whenever I am feeling stressed or upset or disgruntled or under the weather I'm going to try to decide to be happy and see what happens. Hey, it can't hurt, right?
It helps to surround yourself with happy people. I'll be happy in the room right next door!
ReplyDeleteThis reminded me of something I saw earlier this week: reducing what nerdfighters call "worldsuck" (nerdfighter being someone made of awesome, worldsuck being the amount of suck in the world) and trying to make life better, even just a little bit, with "something completely different": positive pranking.