Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye, Summer!

Well, today marks the end of summer. For most people, summer ends on September 21st, but for teachers and students (at least in the northeast) it ends around Labor Day. I'm always sad to say farewell to summer, but this year it's a little different. I had the BEST summer I can remember. It kicked off with a trip to Denver, Colorado with my mom to visit my brother. A couple weeks later my husband and I spent a week in the Adirondacks with his family. And we just returned from two weeks in Maui, Hawaii! Basically, I was on vacation for half of my summer break. Who can ask for a better summer than that? Certainly not me!

Here's to a wonderful school year!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, but I am sad to see summer's end is finally here. I also had a terrific 10 weeks!
