Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pare it down

I feel like I need to write tonight, but I am suffering from some serious writer's block. For like the first time in oh, let's see....EVER, I cannot think of a blog-worthy topic. S0 I'm going to revert to a journal-style blog tonight in which I recap my day for you, and maybe by the end I'll find something important to pull out of it.

Today I spent the day with my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law cleaning out my grandmother-in-law's house. (For those of you that have not been following regularly, she passed away on Monday). Fortunately for us, she was a very neat and organized person and out clean-out session was very productive. We made it through three bedrooms in about five hours, and I'm talking dressers, closets, and everything in between. Many things were donated to the Rescue Mission. Participating in this task today made me realize how much crap I'm holding onto and cramming into my own house. I have a hard time letting go of things because somewhere during my life someone must have drilled into my head that I might be able to find a use for them some day. But after cleaning out a well-organized person's house today I realized that in the end it's all just stuff that nobody else really wants. It only becomes a burden for the people left to clean up after you when you've gone. Needless to say, I've been inspired to go through my own things and pare down. Starting tomorrow.

For anyone else that is also inspired, or maybe those of you that need some inspiration:

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