Dying is a part of life, unfortunately. I don't think anybody really wants to die. To quote the singer/songwriter Kenny Chesney, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go now." There's a part of all of us that knows death is inevitable, and most of us fear it. Maybe that fear comes from not knowing what is in store for us after death, or from feeling like we're not ready. We have ideas about what life is like after death, but I guess none of us really know for sure. Death carries a tremendous amount of mystery and uncertainty with it.
I've read a lot of books about the afterlife, specifically those written by psychics and mediums who proclaim to be knowledgeable in that area. I guess one day we'll all discover the truth, but until then I'd like to think that there is life after death and that it's just as glorious and perfect as the Bible and these mediums say. As you know from reading my previous post, I had the privilege of attending a John Edward show this past weekend. One of the most important things I took from his show was that there is no pain on The Other Side. Any pain people experienced in this life before crossing over goes away. That is very comforting to hear, especially since two of my grandparents have crossed over after being in a lot of physical pain. I like to believe that their pain does not follow them to the next life. We don't want anyone we love to be in pain. Yet while these thoughts of the afterlife are comforting, they don't make dealing with loss any easier.
My husband's family has suffered a great loss today. My prayers are with this person's soul, and I hope that on her soul's journey to heaven she experiences true love, happiness, and peace as she is reunited with loved ones who have passed before her. May God bless and bring comfort to her family in this time of sadness.

Sorry to hear about your family's loss. Please tell your husband, he has my condolences. Loss, like many things is hard on anyone to bear. Last year, my friend here loss her mother to the H1N1 virus, because she was a nurse, and her hospt ran out of the vaccine. The saddest part was they thought she was doing better, then she died. I don't think anyone is ready for it, even when death is at your proverbial door, it's just the acceptance we must try and deal with.