Sunday, September 12, 2010

Do you serve the Lord? (this is not religious, I promise)

My husband is fascinated, well, maybe borderline obsessed is a better way to describe it, with The Lord of the Rings. He's read all of the books and has seen the movies at least a gazillion times. Lucky for me, there is a marathon on T.V. this weekend. I've watched the movies with him, but I've never really gotten into them like he has. I'd like to, but it just hasn't happened. They seem to lose me as soon as they get dark. I also might have fallen asleep while watching. At the theater. I don't understamd what all the hype is. He says it's the story. So, I guess I'm going to have to actually buck up and read the trilogy this winter. Who knows, maybe I'll get into it?

Is anyone else out there in my boat? Who has read it and has something to offer me? Liked it, disliked it? Reasons?


  1. Lord of the Rings is AWESOME! I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't read the books (yet). Still, Brett and I watch the trilogy every year or two. We'll have to time it that Jay comes to visit right around that time. It's a great way to kill an entire day. ;)

  2. Oh boy. I REALLY better get myself into it, then, huh?
