Monday, November 8, 2010

Tick Tock

So here in the U.S we have exited Daylight Savings Time. It's lighter earlier in the morning and darker earlier in the evening. I was a little excited by this since my body CANNOT wake up when it's dark outside. It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I amass, if it's dark outside my body refuses to wake up. Because of this I am a chronic snooze button presser. This usually results in me racing around like a chicken with my head cut off in the morning while I try to get ready for work and be out the door in hopes of beating the morning rush and getting there on time. Most of the time it works, too. But it's a horrible way to start the day. I'd prefer a calmer entry, but unless the sun is willing to cooperate I'm afraid all will remain as is for now. I don't mind the darkness settling in early for the evening because it's cold outside anyway and I won't be venturing out there for much. Plus, I'm exhausted at the end of the day and prefer to work out, go home, eat, and jump in bed early to read myself to dreamland. The early darkness makes that easier. So, winter is on its way, bringing with it my favorite holiday: Christmas! The unofficial countdown has begun with Christmas music on the radio and store displays. Now if only people's moods were cheerier...

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